Yesterday we put in a very long day, 5 hours is just too long for us old farts. Mark slept like a log but I hardly slept at all. No matter how tired I am if the house is a total mess I just can’t sleep. It’s too hard when I keep thinking of all that I have to do.
Today Dish Network was installed and we are so happy to have some programs to watch. A neighbor brought over an Italian dish for our supper. I loved it but Mark did not so he had a bowl of cereal in the evening. We have been just sitting tonight.Tomorrow morning I have to get the stuff out of the hall closet at the old place and Mark and Chris will bring the stuff from the parks storage shed. I know my kettles and kitchen stuff that I salvaged is in there and Mark has some things too. I can’t remember anymore, that was over two months ago. We also have a huge WM order that we will picking up. I was going to have it delivered but the list kept growing and growing so I felt is was better if we got it ourselves, plus I want a bottle wine and Mark some wine coolers. We will need to take the truck too. A bag of softener salt and the rest won’t all fit in my little car or any smaller car. We also need to get a new thermostat. We just can’t figure out this one. And we can’t remember what Brian said. I like things to be simple to operate and this one is NOT.
I have a lot of stuff to get donated to a charity. Most of Carols stuff was pretty awful and some things I will never use in a million years.
Mark got my computer up and running and I actually have room for it, now that it's not on the dining room table here.
Today I got the new bedspread, bedroom curtains and a k-cup holder. Amazon was two days early again, and I'm thrilled. Tuesday I’ll have some more things coming. Little by little I”m replacing what we lost, although not all will be replaced and some never can be replaced. Thanks to wonderful people donation money we can replace some needed items. I'm still trying to get some clothes, but I'm not real fond of the styles, they just don't fit me or my taste.
Chris and his son brought over my power chair this afternoon and I’m thrilled to have it here. I’m praying now that I can sleep tonight.. I didn’t get much sleep at all last night. We quit early tonight so sleep should come more easily
Pictures will come when things get put away, it’s still a disaster here.
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