Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Holy crap it's cold

 Woke up to 42º this morning. Yesterday the wind was horrendous and thankfully that has stopped......for now.  We are to expect a high of only 62º for today, tomorrow and whenever. We have to find jackets soon. Thank God Lincoln got me some earmuffs, so I at least have warm ears. Mark has some heavy and an insulated flannel shirt that he can get by with for awhile. All I have are two sweatshirts. But I'm looking for a jacket.

Thankfully our insurance agent found a company to insure our new home. So all is set for the move on the 29th. Well, I hope so. You see, the wind last night also had rain with it and torn off the tarp covering our boxes and totes. We are hoping that the rain didn't compromise the boxes too much. The empty boxes we were saving got moved around but still on the steps. No room inside this cracker box so all have to be outside in the elements. 😕 I'm hoping that this is the last of the wind and rain until we move from here. ha he We are counting the days and hours. 

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