Yesterday the tech came to look at what was making the noise in our new fridge. He found what I thought it was, a broken fan. In ten days the new part should be here and installed. The tech was very nice, a lot nicer than the guys that delivered the fridge,. Anyway, it's really nice having 18 cu. ft vs 14 cu ft for our food. 😀 And no handles to get in the way of my very small counter space.
PetSmart in Yuma called regarding the complaint I had about the canary. They will only give me a store credit for the return. Since they are too expensive I never shop there so the credit is not an option. I'll just keep CarlAnn and hope I can get her out of whatever funk she is in and then sell her when she is better. In the spring I'll get a male that is a guaranteed singer. Then at least the mess I clean up is for a bird that I wanted in the first place. Birds are messy and cleaning up for one that doesn't sing is no fun for me. It's like all the work for nothing.
Mark worked on the back porch and has the post holders installed. But he needs something to cut the posts to the right size. His little saw that he has just won't make it, it's just too small for cutting a 4 x 4 piece of wood. He is going to put up a wooden fence so it will be more private, no one can see what we have there. And will put in a small enclosure for my mops and vacuum. It will be nice not having them here in the AZ room.
Sometime this week I will sort and pack up my craft items to be sold. It will be so hard to do, but it has to be done. I don't send but two or three cards a year and no one to sell to anymore. So I really don't need drawers and drawers of supplies. If I do enough purging of my table runners too we could sell one of the dressers and have some room in the AZ room. But storage is storage and nice to have but it also make a place for items that we really don't need. I just know I'll cry as I get rid of my craft stuff. But I also don't have the finger dexterity anymore either.
Another sad fact to face is that I have to sell my Honda Helix. My vertebra in my neck has an issue that is making my upper arm muscles and shoulder joints painful. I don't want to cause or be an accident waiting to happen on the bike. So time to face the sad facts that I'm having older age issues and I need to make some lifestyle changes.
My doctor's appointment isn't until the 18th so I really don't know much other than what I've read about my arm and neck problems. I hope he can at least explain it to me without having to see a specialist. It seems that GP doctors only make appointments with specialists anymore. Grrrrrrrrrrrr 😡 At least that is what is done around here.
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