Friday, July 31, 2020

Wow, end of July

Well I can't say I'm unhappy to see the end of July because of the heat, but August is starting out much worse. So I'll just be very thankful that your a/c is working and working well. In two months the snowbirds will start to return. ๐Ÿ˜ข When we first got to Yuma we didn't know what the summers were like without the snowbirds. We only knew the heavy traffic, rude people, and no elbow room anywhere you went. But once they left we saw how nice it is to live here. And then came the heat. The first year is like any first, it was a new adventure. Now it's like winter in the northern states, not so welcome. But the nice part is no neighbors, no congested traffic, room in restaurants and stores and we have the pool to ourselves all summer long pretty much anytime we want to be in there. I've got the best tan I've ever had. Once the snowbirds get here, that will be the end of our pool time.

We are starting the 6th month of our stay at home agenda. Thanks to trump for not doing anything to slow down the trump virus, we will be this way even longer. We never realized how privileged we were to be able to come and go as we pleased, until the trump virus hit and hit hard and stronger every day. Wearing a mask has become as much of a habit as putting on deodorant. We don't leave home without either. ๐Ÿ˜‚The highlight of our weeks are when we go pick up our grocery order from WM and go to the pool to cool down and get some much needed exercise. 

Mark is finally caught up on all his cardiology tests. We was none to happy to have to get it done. I was unable to go along with him due to  the trump virus, so when the doctor went over the results with Mark, Mark put me on speaker phone.  The doctor seemed to connect with Mark and never made me feel like I had no right to ask questions. He spoke in layman's terms so we could understand and answered every question. Mark is always unsure of what to ask so he depends on me to do the asking and understanding. He has a tendency to not hear what he doesn't want to hear, and forget all that he needs remember.  

Not much more to write since we don't do much right now. Maybe someday we will be able to go out and about as we used to before the trump virus. Until then we will wear our masks, social distance, wash our hands, sanitize everything that comes into our home and  be thankful that we have not contacted the trump virus like so many others. 

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