Yesterday we hit 109º but to tell the truth, it felt much higher than that. Today we could break a record of 120º. Needless to say we will not be leaving the house other than to drive Lola to the dog park to go potty in the morning and evening. Too hot for her feet to walk anywhere yet.
Yesterday my neck did a number on me and pinched a nerve so badly that a muscle just above my shoulder knotted up and pain radiated down my left arm to my fingers. I haven't hurt that bad in three years. It happened once before and we went to the emergency room, yes it hurt that bad. I couldn't move without screaming in pain. Well, I still had some of the pain pills so they helped me get through the night. But during the day I just sat in my recliner. Mark was a great help, I really needed his help to move at all. This morning it's back again but so far not to the point that I can't move. I just received orders that I am to do nothing at all today other than take my shower. Not sure what will become of our meals.
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