Saturday, February 1, 2020

Spring is bursting out in the Sonoran Desert

Springtime comes earlier here in the desert than in the more northern states. For the last couple weeks we have noticed the desert has been greening out nicely. A beautiful 71ยบ so far and sunny. We could hit 77 again today and then Monday and Tuesday in the low to mid 60’s for a high. Just a little teaser for us. Then a warm up again. It will be warming up right along from now on. The desert is coming alive with color. The ground looks like a green carpet with purple flowers speckled in here and there. Then the white floors will burst open and look like snow on the ground. Even the grease bushes have greened up. Spring in the desert is really pretty. Usually we left just as it was starting get a little green. Now we get to see the real beauty from beginning to end. A few more months and the fields will be done with the winter produce. Then it will be wheat and some kind of grass that will be used for cattle elsewhere. There are even cotton fields which is grown for its seed and shipped to another country. The cotton fields are a slow grow and then longer for it to dry out.

The California quail are starting to run around and make their presence known.

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