Yesterday morning, after I got up from another restless night, Mark said we are getting you a new power chair today. No more backaches! So off he walked to get the truck while I got dressed and ready to head out. Lola was happy that she was invited to come along. She loves to ride in daddy's truck and is always such a good traveler.
I've needed a new chair for quite some time, but I didn't want to spend the money for one. My old one lost all it's support a long time ago and never really did fit my long legs. Since it's a chair that I use exclusively to sit in, it got used and used well. So when we found a furniture store that carried the same brand, Mark said we are going to see if they have one that works well for you.
It was a long drive, but we saw some lovely scenery and the spring color coming alive in the desert. There were hundreds and hundreds of large cacti that looked as though it was a farm. And mountains and foothills with a background of blue sky and whispy white clouds. We had not seen this area of Arizona so it was a pretty drive with new areas to see and enjoy.
Upon arriving at the furniture store we were told we could bring the dog inside. The guy said he was the owner so he was the boss. hehehe He showed us the only chair that he had that would fit my long frame. And he went through how to use the controls too. The chair felt like heaven as soon as I sat in the chair and it even fit my long legs. No more heels hanging off of the edge of the foot rest. 😃 With all the support there will be no more bad back aches, just a comfortable sit and maybe a nap or two. 😉
My old chair had NO support left in it and I hurt worse from sitting in it than I was when I sat down. So getting used to the good support and comfort will take a bit of getting used too. I no long feel like I am sinking into the chair to the floor, but sitting with gentle comfortable support.
When we got home a neighbor saw the chair on the truck and offered to help Mark bring it into the house when we were ready. Mark had to take the old chair apart, which was a real pain in the butt. Mark was tired and sore from the long stressful drive but worked hard at the disassembly. Once that was done, the neighbor and his friend came and helped bring the chair inside. That too was a bit of a struggle since the patio doors on park models are narrow and short. Not much fits through those doors without removing the door panels. But the chair made it inside safely.
About 8 hours from when we left home, I was sitting in the new power lift chair watching Worst Cooks in America, in comfort. And Mark was grinning from ear to ear seeing the smile on my face. He even sat on the couch and watched the show with me. I love it when he is with me.
This morning I got up and saw Mark and Lola sitting in the new chair. He was amazed at how comfortable the chair was. I hope that Mark will use the chair, when I'm not sitting in it. When you are tired and sore from a hard day, it is really extra nice to have.
Time to get dressed now and get to baking some cookies. I can't be out of cookies two days in a row!! 😦 And I know I'll have a nice chair to rest in when I am done.
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