Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Lost it all.

 On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, we lost our home and ALL our belongings to a house fire. Mark was out helping a friend and Lola and I were home. Seeing smoke and fire I grabbed Lola, called 911 and fled our home in our golf cart.. My phone in one hand and Lola by the collar in the other we raced down the street to a friends house. Turning around I saw our home and everything we had and worked so hard for over the years go up in flames and smoke. I will here the cracks, snap and explosions for the rest of my life.

Because of the kindness of many neighbors, some of whom we didn’t know and never met, we had food and lodging for the night, articles of clothes and toiletries. The extend of their kindness, generosity, and prayers has been overwhelming and very humbling.

Having not a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out is putting it mildly. We have no ID, CC, no cash, paperwork of any kind. Everything went up in flames, literally.

Any questions call us, this is a private matter that is very sad and stressful.

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