Don’t ever think that your insurance company is for you or help you. They are in it to make money and that is all. We have learned that the many times now. Thanks to a family member who is a lawyer we are making the right responses to the insurance company. Without her help we would have been screwed over quite often already. A couple more things to understand and we may be able to move forward a bit.
We have found a home here in the park that we like but are still looking at others as well. This will hopefully be our last move so we need to make it the right one for what time we have left on earth. And no, moving back to Minnesota is not an option. The summer heat is much better than the Minnesota winter cold, snow, summer humidity, and not to forget the mosquitoes. The cost of living here is lower too for those of us on a tight fixed income.
We have contacted a company to haul out the charred remains of our once lovely home, but have not heard back as to when this will be done. In Yuma everything is slow go. We will leave the park when that is done. I can’t handle seeing our home the way it is now, scooping it out would send me over the edge. I’m already teetering on the edge.
Yesterday we put our meager belongings in totes and put them in a storage shed that the park is sharing with us. The owners and managers of this park have been so very kind to us. Th outpouring help from people in the park and others living in the foothills is just amazing. Our friends have been so generous with donations that our heart is bursting with gratitude and our eyes flow with tears. Without the help of others we would be lost. We will never be able to replace some things but because of all the love and helpful offerings from others much of our needs can be met.
Our new home will never be the same as before but it will still be filled with our love for each other and God.
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