Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Either I've gotten lazy or just slow in my old age. But getting things put down on here or on paper is getting less and less. It could be that since the trump virus we don't do much of anything to write about. We'd much rather stay healthy then go out and about.

Mark has found and is working on a new hobby. He ordered a handheld ham radio. And is currently working/studying for his license. I'm so happy that he found something of interest for him to do while he recuperates from his surgery and when the weather isn't nice enough to be outside. His mom was a ham radio operator and really enjoyed meeting the people and listening to various stations. She had quite the set up in a small bedroom, she called it her radio shack. 

Our Utah friends got here to their new winter home last weekend. We helped with some things, well Mark was the most help. They needed help getting their satellite to work so they could watch tv when they were setting up house. It's so nice having them here. Last year they didn't come and even sold their fifth wheel. Now they have a park model. It's in a different park then us, but just down the road. We think of them more as family then friends. I love them so much I call them Uncle James and Aunt Bettie. Yep, they are family.

In another few weeks I'll be getting ready for Thanksgiving. Even though we are on a healthier diet, salt free, we will still have the usual meal. I'll just be more careful to not be so heavy handed on the salt. But will still use some. Then before we know it it will be time to start on the Christmas baking. OH joy, nope, not a joy in the small kitchen that I have now. But I did it last year and I can do it again, just not without a lot of swearing. 😯 I hope my arms and hands will hold up one more year.

We have noticed that more snowbirds have arrived. The stores are busier and the traffic is getting heavier. Soon it will be a zoo. I'm still hoping that the *itch next door stays in Washington this year. But I doubt we will be that lucky. At least her husband is a nice guy. Not many in the park like her, so it's not just me.😝

Mornings are nice enough now that we can sit out on the porch with our morning coffee. The days are more comfortable too, but there is still a need for the a/c. Windows and doors get opened up when we get up and closed just before or slightly after lunch.  

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