Friday, October 23, 2020


 Overnight our next door neighbors arrived. And he brought his wicked wife along😁 But I can easily avoid them or her. I'm not outside on that side of the house much, so not having to see her isn't all that hard to do. And after their arrival last year, I doubt she will want to cross me again. 😎 I'm hoping that Murphy's singing drives her nuts. Gosh I can be so mean when someone ticks me off.

The mornings are so nice that we have had the doors and windows open for a long time each day. The afternoons are so hot anymore either. Of course 90º doesn't seem hot to us like it did in MN. A person really does acclimate to their surroundings.  Now at 70º, it feels chilly. 😆

Last night we gave listening to the debates another chance. We really didn't need to listen, we voted last week. We just had to see if the trumpster would act like an adult this time. Well he did a touch better,  but still lied through his teeth and still never answered a question with any real plans. Why would anyone with any brains still support such an evil, ignorant, hard to call him a human, but here goes, person? It sickens me that he still could not acknowledge the fact that he tore children away from their parents and treats them like scum. He has killed America in so many ways, it makes me cringe just thinking of all the evil he has encouraged. Needless to say we couldn't watch the whole debate. I took a shower and Mark walked the dog to calm down. No trump supporter deserves any respect for their choice either. They are part of the problem. God help us world wide and rid us all of trump and his evil doings.

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