Yesterday, what started out as a little ride, after stopping for a slush at Burger King, turned into an all afternoon outing. First we drove by to see if our little green produce shack was open yet. Nope, but the fields are really green and looking good. I can hardly wait for the fresh produce. It won't be long. It was so windy that I couldn’t see my mountains in any direction. We stopped at PetSmart and got a couple toys for Murphy, a Betta (fish) for me, and some treats for Lola.
Of course we never can go into Yuma without Mark wanting to stop in at Bed Bath and Beyond. He calls it his toy store. LOL He loves to look at all the kitchen gadgets and try to find things that I need. Well, he bought me a bigger and better air fryer oven, and a dual coffee maker, a carafe and Keurig in one. The oven actually goes all the way up to 480º, unlike the others that only go to 400º. Let the baking begin. 😃Now I can have my K-cup and he can have his pot of coffee. He drinks anywhere from 2 to 3 cups and the Keurig gets expensive when we both drink 4 cups a morning. And in the winter we drink more coffee than in the summer. Mark said happy birthday and thanks for everything I do for him and us. 💞 Yes, he spoils me rotten.
By the time I got the coffee machine cleaned, air oven set up, put the bedding back on the bed, and made supper, I was shot.
Holy macaroni is it ever windy and chilly this morning. Wind gusts are at 32 mph and the temp is only 57º. Not going to do laundry today, in this wind my clothes on the lines would end up back in MN. And trying to carry the basket to and from the car would be way too much for me or Mark today. So I'll be making cookies and setting up my little aquarium for my new Betta, Walter.
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