Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Heat is on on Hump day.

We are currently in an excessive heat warning today and tomorrow. Highs around 107º. Ouch that's warm for this early in the season. We have no intentions of going anywhere so we will stay inside with the a/c running. 😎 I'm so happy that I got the laundry done yesterday morning.

Yesterday morning, bright and early, was the first time in almost two months that we went into a Walmart. We usually shop at the one in the city, on line, which is larger and less congested than the one in here in the foothills. But we needed some things that don't show on the online availability. We were very pleased to see that they actually  only allow so many in the store at one time. They have associates at the doors monitoring the people going in and coming out. There are arrows on the floors indicating which way to go down an isle. Yes, they are one way only and markings all over reminding of social distancing. We felt very comfortable getting the toilet paper and baked goods that we came for. Almost every shopper was wearing a mask and all the associates were wearing masks and some with gloves wiping things off with disinfectant. We, of course, wore our masks and only touched what we put in our cart. Very impressed with the WM on Pacific Ave. At least we were at this time.  Usually when we go to pick up our order there are many people going in not wearing a mask or staying the distance.

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