Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Another heavy rain day in Yuma, making it a good day to bake cookies. I found a cookie recipe that I had gotten from a neighbor we had at the COOP. I remembered it being a very good, light and crispy cookie. And my memory served me right. Oh wow, are they good and they bake at a high heat so it doesn't take long to make them. They also won't last long in the cookie jar either. 😆

Yesterday I received some very disturbing news. My stupid brother still thinks that the COVID19 is a hoax even with all the evidence that proves otherwise. It's people like him that will create more spreading of the deadly virus. I always knew he was a few tools short of a tool box, but I didn't think the tool box was totally empty. The really sad thing is he is not the only one with a lack of an intelligent thought process. I am so glad that I am 2000 miles from the idiocy of my family.

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