Saturday, March 7, 2020


Last night around 9 pm I was reaching in the cupboard for our morning pills. I like to set them out the night before. When all of a sudden the house trembled hard and I could here cracking or like something falling hard. It set the dog on full alert, running for cover under the bed, and my heart to misfire. After the trembling stopped I called to Mark who was in the shed, as usual, to see if he felt the earth move, even though I wasn't with him,😉. He said that the whole little shed shook hard. And if it had not been chained down it could have moved on the cement slab. The quake only last a very short time. We thought that it was a tremor from somewhere else since that is usually all that we get here.

After reading this morning I discovered that we indeed had a small earthquake. The quake only last a very short time, only about a minute with rolling tremors following for about 6 seconds. There is also an alert for people to check there power and water lines. All of which are not buried very deep here in the desert. It will be interesting to walk around the park and hear what those in an RV felt!!! I would imagine they REALLY shook.

How is that for excitement in a retirement community? 😅

We just learned that the earthquake was in Baja California Mexico and it was a 5.5. That is only about half an hour from here so a quake can easily be felt here.

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