Yesterday started out as a good day. I wasn't hurting too much so I got busy getting some needed chores done. Then BAMMM! Reaching for an item something in my right shoulder snapped and about took me to the floor. OMG, the pain. I normally am more careful when reaching with my right arm because I know it can "catch". But I had my thoughts on what I was getting done. I hurt so much that I got out a sling and a bit later went to the clinic.
The nurse practitioner took x-rays and found that nothing tore or broke. But she said that because I have arthritis in my spine/neck it has gone to my shoulders. She suggested that I take 2 extra strength Tylenol and one Naproxen. That it would be like Morphine for pain but no side effects. I tried to explain to her that Tylenol does nothing for me for pain. But she disagreed. So I tried it when I got home. I was right no relief whatsoever. Monday I am still going to see the doctor and pray he can give me something stronger for pain or get a steroid shot in my shoulders. Yes, both shoulders. The both have arthritis but one is worse than the other, so far.
I wore the sling all day and Mark did all the dishes and he even made Bratts on the grill for supper. I knew he could do it, even though he says he can't. He put BioFreeze on my arm and neck and helped me into my jammies. I'm so thankful to have such a caring husband.
Back when I had a muscle reattached I was given 50 mg Tramadol. Before we left on our RV journey the doctor renewed the script so I had more in case I needed it. Well, I still have quite a bit left and that is what I'm taking right now for the pain. I only take it at night when needed to sleep through a painful night. Last night I took two and got some good sleep. Today I'll just take the Naproxen during the day.
Taking it a bit easy today to heal. I'll let the Roomba do the floors today. π