Thursday, June 9, 2022

Oh baby it's hot outside

 From today through the weekend we are in an excessive heat warning. Yesterday the temp on the porch reached 108º. The high off of the porch got to 107. By Sunday the temps could reach 115 or higher. It is the desert after all so the high temps are expected. Not liked, but expected. At least we have a good air conditioner and a pool in the park to keep cool.

On Tuesday Mandy was spayed and it all went well.  The Humane Society has pets in your foster care until they are spayed or neutered. So Mandy Houdini Benton is officially our little girl now. She has to wear the "cone of Shame when we can't keep an eye on her. She is not to lick or scratch her incision for up to 14 days. We have ordered a onesie for her to wear, but it won't be here until Friday or Saturday. When that comes she will no longer need to wear the horrible cone. She works so hard at getting it off that the bow gets so tight  I have to cut it to get the cone off of her head. The first night Houdini got the cone off. But she was still so loaded from the anesthesia and pain meds, she didn't know which end was up. Although she did know that she needed to go to the door to let us know she had to go potty. Good girl.

The gas prices went up another 10¢ yesterday and 20¢ the day before. Those damn oil companies are making billions and we all are struggling to get by. We have now opted to have our groceries delivered to save some money. Groceries have done up in price daily so we all have to cut where we can. The really sad thing is that once the prices of all of this has gone up, the prices will stay up. When have they ever gone down again???????

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