Sunday, May 22, 2022

Finally relief

 It's with much happiness that I can now say the pain in my arms is much better. The only time I have issues is when I over use my right arm or sleep in a way that I am not suppose to. I've had to find a way to sleep at night so my arms are in a position recommended by the doctor. It took a good long time to get any sleep and used to a position that worked. At night I do wake up and find my arms in the old position but quickly remedy that. I'm still not sleeping well most nights but I guess that is just the way it's going to be for quite some time. 

 With the rising outside temps I've been so ready to use the pool. But the water temp in the pool is COLD. I don't like to be in ice water or be in pain from the cold water. I'm angry to say the least that they are doing nothing to raise the pool water temps to where it should be. In the four years we have lived in this park the water has never been this terribly cold. Maybe in August, when the sun has warmed the water in the pool, I can enjoy some pool time. 😡

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