Sunday, January 30, 2022

Here we go again

Yesterday we purchased and set up a 20 gallon aquarium. It took some doing to make room for it because this home is smaller than our last home. But it's up and in three days or so we will add fish to the tank. The temperature and water chemistry need to be right before adding fish. We did start with bottled water this time instead of Yuma water, which killed too many fish. The water here is way too  salty for the fish to survive. I'll be testing each day to make sure it is stabilized. We are so anxious to have fish again.

A super nice surprise phone call to Mark yesterday made us both so happy. A dear friend from our home town is in AZ and wanted to see us. So today we will be sharing lunch and chatter with some very special friends. We never thought any friends would ever come down here and visit us. Mark is on top of the world. Thank you Ken and Julie.  💜

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