Saturday, September 25, 2021

Here a fish there a fish......

 Yesterday we got more fish for the 20 gallon aquarium and 4 glass shrimp too. For the 10 gallon we got 5 female and 2 male guppies and 2 head and tail light tetras. Both aquariums are full of activity now. Looking at the tanks this morning we didn't lose any fish overnight. The glass shrimp are hard to see so not sure where they are this morning, but they will come out and about soon, I hope.

Here is the 20 gallon.... 

And here is the 10 gallon   


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

We did it again

 Well we did it again. After lunch and mid afternoon we went to WM to get some furnace filters at WM. The one I like to use are not on line, well I found out they aren’t in the store anymore either. So I had to buy ones that are a bit more money. That got us in the pet area, so I got Lola some different dog food that I will mix with the stuff she has now. See if that is easier for her and less messy too. She is a pig when she eats. Ok, Mark, and I too, love our fish. We found a stand at a great price for the 10 gallon that we have. Where our small tank is it’s not a good place to get at to clean. We get the stand up and found that it really didn’t work for our smaller tank. Mark mentioned getting a 20 gallon. He said it was because he knows I like bigger aquariums. hehehe So yes, we got a 20 gallon. I used money I was saving to buy a puppy. But last month we both agreed NO more dogs and even when Lola passes, NO more dogs. At our age, nope too much work.

Ok back to the aquarium. We go the new 20 gallon one  set up on the stand and it fit perfectly. So we started washing the new gravel and Mark ran back and forth filling our water jugs with good drinking water. We can’t use Yuma water, too salty. The power filter is so powerful that the noise of splashing water drove me nuts. I like quiet. So this morning I worked on a baffle, so far it’s working but I need a way to make it more permanent.  I tested the water and all levels are safe for the fish to be transferred into the new tank from the little one. That will take some work so Mark will have to help me. Like I said, where the smaller one is is so difficult to work with. I’m not sure it will get done today or tomorrow. My arms can only do so much and I have changed sheets as well today. That is hard work for my stupid arms.

Lola’s bed has been washed, finally, and in the dryer. We got her a new bed yesterday and within an hour she had the cover partly shredded. She likes to “fluff” up her bed and the cover was not made for that. So back the new one goes and we will just keep the old one and add more stuffing, if I can get it inside. She will be happy to have a clean bed. Who doesn’t like a nice clean bed??

 Oh we decided to keep the 10 gallon aquarium up too. The decorations will be smaller so I can remove them to clean. And we are going to use it for guppies or small fish. Letting a tank sit empty will just turn it into landfill and in the dry hot heat of Yuma, it wouldn't take long.  It's an investment so why throw it away? We love fish.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Border restricted crossing

 As of today the US has extended the land border closure to Canada and Mexico no essential travels. Airlines are requiring only fully vaccinated to fly and a test one day prior to flight and landing.  I wonder if the closure will extend again. Our park hadn't picked up speed getting things ready for the snowbirds so that was kind of a sign that things were not opening up just yet. This news doesn't break my heart at all. Now if the birds from Washington would stay home! Or as we call them Snobingtons. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Bye bye Facebook and Twitter and a broken phone

 It was more than time to give Facebook and Twitter the boot. I've eliminated both accounts. Too much tom foolery and negativity on both. I need to go back to a much less stressful and negative lifestyle. It is quite liberating to say the least. Now I'll get back to my websites that I manage and tend to them better.

The neighbor behind us purchased an old Nash something or other. It was made for racing so the modifications for street travel have left the car to be towed park of  the way back to Yuma. Mark and another neighbor, Larry, both have mechanical backgrounds which Jerry, the owner does not. Mark and Larry have been working on the electrical of the car since Jerry brought it home a week ago. They only work on it for two days at a time. The heat here just doesn't allow them to work more or longer than a couple hours in the morning. Today is a no work day and will it be no work this weekend because higher heat is returning.  Mark and Larry seem to like having something to do.

During one of the days of working on the car, Mark smashed the screen on his cellphone. Leaving him with another old phone with a cracked screen. Well none of them worked well. Jerry felt that it was his responsibility to replace Marks phone since it was his car that Mark was working on at the time. When it really was Mark not taking the phone out of his pocket before leaning on it. Anyway, Jerry is really old school and  vehemently insisted that he pay for Marks phone. Mark now has money for a new phone  and no phones found that he likes. I think he is too fussy so he is still stuck with a phone with a broken screen. Actually two phones with broken screens, and neither of the phones work well either. Yuma isn't known for technology so a new phone may not be purchased for quite some time. Back about a month ago the screen on my phone separated so I had to replace my phone. I love the Motorola that I chose but Mark says it's too big for his hands. Geesh, his hands are twice the size of mine. LOL A phone is a personal thing, that I understand.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Still kicking.

 Oh my goodness, it's been awhile since I last wrote anything here. The aquarium is doing better than it was in the beginning. In Yuma there is NO way to get the PH and nitrate levels in the water low enough for some tropical fish. We or I should say I lost most of the fish I purchased due to unsafe levels. So after talking to someone that knows and doing a bit more reading, I have found a way to make the water safer for my fish. I had to purchase bottled drinking water. Initially I got the water from the store so I had the water jugs I needed. Then I can fill them here in the park for only  25¢ a gallon, versus $1 a gallon. So once a week I exchange two gallons of water. The aquarium is only a 10 gallon so the water exchange needs to be done at least once a week to keep the water safe from high PH and nitrate levels. It's not hard work just tedious. But I'm retired so what else have I got to do. That is besides, laundry, cooking, cleaning, tending the needs of the others that live here. hehehe And of course the daily routine of going to the pool.

Yes, we still go to the pool as often as we can. Some days mornings get a bit too hectic, what with the grocery order pick up and laundry getting in the way. And we still wash off all of our groceries once we get them home. We have been having fun with a couple ladies that go to the pool at the same time as we do. In fact Mary and I create quite a tsunami in the pool with our pool noodles and float. Our goal is to see how far we can get the waves to splash onto the deck. One day Phyllis  got a sore butt bouncing on the steps from the waves. That was quite a laugh for all of us including her. We still manage to get some of our exercising done too. Sadly the pool days will be coming to an end as the hot summer days dwindle and the snowbirds flock in the area. So we will make as much out of our pool time as we can before then.

Last week I was visiting a neighbor and noticed how comfortable it was in their home. They only have there thermostat set at 82ยบ too yet. They have a fan in their living room that does an amazing job of making it seem cooler. So I ordered one for our AZ room. Wow, what a difference that has made in there. We can turn up the stat in there and still be very comfortable. Even in Marks little office it's more comfortable. So we ordered one for the living room too. It should help in the fall when we just can't get any air in the bedroom at night, even with the ceiling fan on. The park models were not built to be year round homes. So you have to use your imagination to make things work the way you want.

It seems that every time I turn around Mark is making some new modification to the golf cart. His latest find was new tires and cool chrome rims for the golf cart. Wow does it ever look sharp. They are used and he got them for a really really good price. A while back we lost a hubcap on the SmartCar and had to get new ones. They were purchased at WM and really dolled up the car. So, one thing lead to another. Shelby (Smartcar) just couldn't outshine Arnold (golf cart). ๐Ÿ˜† Heaven forbid. I don't even want to think of what new project Mark will come up with next. Although I do know  there is some wiring issues on the GC that need to be addressed. But that has to be done on a cooler day. We are still in for some pretty warm/hot days.

Remember that during daylight savings time our time is two hours behind yours and after we are one hour behind!!!!!!