Thursday, July 1, 2021

New popper

 Yesterday the new popcorn popper that Mark got me came. It took awhile to get it assembles and of course there is always a problem with crap made in china. But once together, I was thrilled. The popper worked great and I didn't lose my touch making it. Thankfully I had some of the special salt left from my last big popper and had ordered the oil I wanted from Amazon earlier in the week. Our first batch of popcorn in the new popper tasted wonderful, just like movie theater popcorn.

As anyone who know me, knows how much I like popcorn. I made popcorn at least once a week and sometimes more often. The first big popper I got I wore out! The second one I had to sell because there was no room for it in the RV. There really wasn't room for it here either, but for popcorn I figured out how to make it fit.  This one should last as long as I do. I hope so anyway.

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