So the CarPort got to a slow start yesterday as my morning included softening the water, Manually, and refilling our propane cylinders.
We still use the same small softener we had when we were traveling in the 5'er (5th wheel camper). I have built a three valve manifold attached to the outside of the house that controls water direction, incoming, house and drain. All of which, at the right time, must be switched by hand. No big deal if you have done it as many times as I have. But to someone new to attempting it, it can be quite daunting. All went well but it is just time consuming.
The propane cylinders were a different story. I spent hours diagnosing and then correcting the reason the cylinders would not refill past 3.4 oz.. These cylinders are the fuel for our supplemental Big Buddy propane heater, again a tool we still use from the 5'er days. I have refilled hundreds of these tanks over the course of the last several years. As the cost of buying new vs refilling is substancial.
Well this time the first tank filled like clockwork as normal, but the other 7 refused to cooperate, filling only to the for mentioned 3.4 oz.. A key here is the constant, 3.4 oz.. So after swiping tanks, draining tanks using the pop off valve, swapping out the refill tool, key here is you know you have done this job often when you keep a spare refill tool on hand. And every other scenario I could think of, including getting our other and much larger propane tank refilled and attempting to refill the tanks from that to no avail.
Well I finally found the problem, the pop off valve was not reseating fully, which was closing the fill valve prematurely, hence the exact 3.4 oz fill. So after hours of wrestling with the tanks I finally got them all refilled to their 1 pound capacity.
But by now it was lunch time so I really didn't get started on the CarPort until later in the day. But there was progress on the task after lunch, as I got the used pegboard spacers made, drilled and installed both on top and bottom of the pegboard. Giving me a organized space for the stuff that had accumulated on top of the bench.
Moved my tool box which requires removing each drawer and in some cases emptying tools out of said drawer because of weight. Carrying each draw to the CarPort from the wood shed I had been storing the toolbox in. And then reinstalling them after setting the box in the space I had provided. Now for a "Normal Person" this would have gone like clockwork, again notice the inclosure of "Normal Person", well as my loving bride often says, "There is nothing normal about you", I once again got the opportunity to prove her right.
Things were going so smoothly at the time that I let my mind wander onto the next task as I install the first several drawers back into the toolbox, paying absolutely NO Attention to what I was doing. That is until I attempted to slide one of the larger drawers in and was met with quite some resistance...... Yep I had put the very first drawer, a small drawer into one of the slot for the big drawer. In short I had to remove all the drawers and start all over. Did I mention I also, to accomplish this task, had to pull the toolbox out of it's said location to gain access to the slide lock on the right side of each and every drawer......
Moving on so I emptied and moved several shelves into the CarPort and put about a 5th of "Our Stuff" on the shelves. If you noticed I enclosed "Our Stuff" as (Ok and this is important) if you read my previous post my loving bride had claimed it was all my stuff....... We Surprise, Surprise, that is not quite the case as she has several shelves worth of boxes, not to mention all the totes she has full of Christmas decorations. And lets not forget her 4 coolers! So it was a busy day. Hey, they are not MY coolers! It seems Christmas is for us, not just me. Santa will get you for that. And I only have one tote with stuff in it. (edited by Cindy)
As you can see the door is not yet made, but with help from a sunscreen from the 5er, this works for now.
Oops I left out she changed our satellite tv provider so now I get to listen to her verbally discuss the issues she will have learning a new system and controller..... This will be fun, Trust Me.......Lol
Unfortunately today the morning is already scheduled as I have a appointment that I am hoping among other things restores my driving privileges to full capacity. Cindy will be happy to not have to drive so much, but with Marks distracted driving I'll tighten my seat belt once again. So the moving stuff into the CarPort will not start again at best until this afternoon. Once the porch is cleared it will need some hefty cleaning. It will be nice to have use of the porch again and get into the cabinets on the porch.
It's Always an Adventure!