It has taken quite a few days for me to calm down after the despicable behavior of trump. In clear conscience I can not call him president or mister. He is vermin, scum and a disgrace to the whole country. Because of his last unconscionable act it is proven once again that he has no love for this country or anyone other than himself. He has created more violence and discord in this country and should not get by without paying dearly for his part. The domestic terrorists that he single handedly brought together to hurt and destroy should all be brought up on charges that send them ALL to federal prison for life. And trump can go with them since he started this whole mess 4 years ago. I knew what he was like before the election and what it would be like if he won the election in 2016 and the trouble that he could create. Since then I have gotten a license to carry and have had my gun beside me without fail. Never in my life have I felt so unsafe in my own country. The stupid scum that support trump are as much a danger to this country as trump. And that is extremely frightening.😱
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