Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Stupid people everywhere

Sunday afternoon when we went to a WM in Yuma to pick up our online grocery order We were amazed at how many stupid people were out there. Meaning the ones not wearing face masks. Yes, it's not mandatory but common sense dictates otherwise. Mark was only taking the bags from the WM cart and associate to the trunk of our car and he wore a mask. I sat in the car and had on a mask. And he put on hand sanitizer before coming back inside the car. I guess some people just don't care about themselves or anyone else. It made me furious that even some of the WM associates had no mask or gloves. Good grief people, are you still believing trump that it's just a flu or will be gone in another two weeks? If so y'all need a lobotomy and stay the hell away from me and my family.

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