Monday, April 4, 2022

From an old shoe to a glass slipper

 When we picked Mandy up at the human society we were proud because she looked so tough that we though no one would want her. But....... after trip to the groomer to get all cleaned up, she went from an ugly old shoe to a pretty glass slipper. The first picture is the day we brought her home and the second pic is after the groomer. 

Mandy is a "typical" little girl....She loves to put on her pretty dresses and cute shirts. Yep, she puts her head right through the head hole as well as her legs in the right ones. She is also not real happy when it's time to take off her dress or shirt. What a Diva. LOL

She prances down the street like the queen of the RV park. I'ld say we made one little dog very happy. And she has made us happy too.

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