Friday, June 4, 2021

Good news

 The orthopedic doctor didn't feel I needed surgery on my shoulders. Since the pain has been subsiding he felt that the body was healing itself. My range of motion was excellent and he was amazed and happy that I was doing so well with all the tears. He said that most tears can heal themselves. So I will have PT for a few weeks. If that doesn't help he will give me a shot in both shoulders. Surgery is a last resort. But he felt that would be a long way down the road if at all.

The weather is now hot, not warm. But by Yuma standards hot is warm. LOL The pool has been so refreshing and it gets us out and moving around. My arms tolerate the motion but I quit when before they get too sore. 

My 6 month check up with the eye doctor went well too. No change. Marks 6 week check up at the eye doctor had good news too. The pressure in his eyes has dropped. Three more months of the drops and then the doctor will re-check to see if the pressure is back to normal.

Praise the Lord for the blessings.

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