Thursday, June 24, 2021


 This year Fathers day will go down as the most memorable. Lincoln and his wife came down and spent Fathers Day weekend with us. We laughed until our sides hurt, ate until we burst, talked until our mouths and ears ached, and cried rivers when they headed for home. We showed them some of the area in which we live and spent hours in the pool as well as in our home talking to no end.

Thanks to sunscreen no one got any bad sunburn while in the pool, just a pretty color of pink. Maria is like a fish in the water and seemed to totally enjoy the pool. Lincoln found it to be relaxing and enjoyed floating and an occasional dip to cool off. That surprised me because as a young boy he was a fish as well. But he said he now prefers to just relax and enjoy.

Ahead of time I made three batches of cereal crunch and a full Thanksgiving dinner with the trimmings. All was well received and full tummies all around. Lincoln was really looking forward to mammas cooking and mamma was all too happy to make it all too. Mark and I will have more meals later this summer too. Home made ice cream was a big hit on Sunday after a dip in the pool. Thinking back, as a kid my dad made homemade ice cream every Fathers day. What a nice tradition even though I just remembered it now.

A stop at what is called Lutz Casino would have been more fun had it not been so very very busy. But we got a couple pictures outside.......

Monday, June 14, 2021

Hot, hot, hot

 This week will be the hottest week this month, topping out at 118º by Wednesday. It will be a week of really enjoying the pool too. We have been in the pool most every day this month. It's our time to enjoy the pool and get some exercise as well. We both have been told to get some weight off and exercise. But in the summer doing anything outside other than the pool is not a good thing.

We finally got money back for our window a/c unit that we bought in June of '21. But now it's too hot to put the new one in the window. Luckily the old one works it just won't hold a temp. It either freezes you out of the room or it gets too warm to be in it. It is totally unreliable. When we purchased the old one we got the three year warranty too. Good thing we did. It should have been taken back to the store right away but we thought we were just setting it incorrectly. Ha ha, the thermostat doesn't work, it isn't us. With the upper teens in the hundreds putting the new one in will have to wait. Mark should not be doing that kind of lifting or work in this heat. And I'm no help with my torn arm muscles and tendons. We are a pair to draw to at times.

Busy week, getting ready for Lincoln and Maria's visit. It will be a great Fathers day for Mark, and a great one for me as well. It's been a long time since we have been able to spend time with them. The last time we saw them was two years ago at their wedding. But that was not a time for visiting. So I've been cooking some of Lincoln's favorite meals ahead of time and freezing them. Less time in the kitchen, less heat in the house from cooking and more time to visit. Thank God I have an electric roaster. I just get it up on the porch and the heat stayed outside. I had to make a Thanksgiving meal since we have not had one together in 6 years. Not to mention a triple batch of chex mix. The chicken fricasee will have to be made the day of, because it doesn't freeze. But that doesn't require the use of the oven. I can reheat the turkey dinner in the microwave and out air fryer countertop oven. I'll need Maria to mash the potatoes. My arms won't be able to tolerate that job. She likes to cook so I know she won't mind helping. It's just that my kitchen barely has room for me, let alone two people trying to work.

 We know that the kids will be the only ones to ever come down here to see us. So we are double excited to see them. They are the only ones that know the roads go both ways, north and south, and east and west.  Same goes for phone calls. Phones can make calls as well as receive. Only good friends know this and act on it. Others wait for us to make the trip or call. 😡

Tree trimming day in the resort. They started well before 6 am. We have no trees in our lot so we didn't have to move our vehicles. The trees in the park are very tall palm trees. The company that does the trimming really does a good job and they clean up very well too. If there is work to to do in the summer, it starts very very early in the morning. Most start before 5 am.

We must have a ghost living here. Again last night the ceiling fan in the bedroom got turned off. Not by the wall switch but by the pull string. It needs to be pulled two times to turn off too. And both the light and fan string are the same length making it very difficult to know which one to pull in the dark dark bedroom. Mark never wants the fan off, it's on all year long and I need it on because I suffer from terrible night sweats.  How it gets turn off is a mystery. I wish the ghost would help with the chores and not mess with my sleep.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Good news

 The orthopedic doctor didn't feel I needed surgery on my shoulders. Since the pain has been subsiding he felt that the body was healing itself. My range of motion was excellent and he was amazed and happy that I was doing so well with all the tears. He said that most tears can heal themselves. So I will have PT for a few weeks. If that doesn't help he will give me a shot in both shoulders. Surgery is a last resort. But he felt that would be a long way down the road if at all.

The weather is now hot, not warm. But by Yuma standards hot is warm. LOL The pool has been so refreshing and it gets us out and moving around. My arms tolerate the motion but I quit when before they get too sore. 

My 6 month check up with the eye doctor went well too. No change. Marks 6 week check up at the eye doctor had good news too. The pressure in his eyes has dropped. Three more months of the drops and then the doctor will re-check to see if the pressure is back to normal.

Praise the Lord for the blessings.