Wednesday, May 12, 2021

MRI results

The MRI didn't take long at all. I was in and out in 30 minutes so Mark didn't have a long wait for me to finish. I don't have a problem with an MRI, but when they wanted to put a strap all the way across my chest, NOPE, that doesn't float. I can not handle being restrained. But the nice tech placed the strap in a more comfortable position.

The test was on a Saturday and Monday I got the results. My right arm has more muscle tears than a paper shredder testing plant. How in the world did that all happen? I'm praying hard that I will not need a rotator cuff surgery. The results are so hard to understand that I had to look up what each tear meant and where some were.  I did learn that the soreness under my arm was not from my bra but from a tear in the muscle back there, I forget the name. The worst part is that the left arm has issues too, but not as bad. So the doc may want to do an MRI on that shoulder as well. Geesh you would think we are made of money. Why not do both at the same time and be done with it all? Thank God for insurance. 

The pills that the RA doctor gave me for pain are not for pain but for inflammation and they take three weeks to start working. Well to hell with those pills. If they aren't going to work when I need them I'm not taking them. Plus they messed with one of my heart meds. Since my issue is not inflammation, I'm using the hydorcodone my PCA gave me for pain. Sometimes they don't work either. And I only use it when I haven't slept for three or so days due to pain. He only gave me 15 and I have to make them last until I see him again. And then I'm not sure I will get anymore since they are an opioid. What do people do when they have chronic all day pain these days?

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