Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ants and more ants

My day started out wild. When I got up, through my half open eyes, I saw that my kitchen was in total disarray. Then as my eyes opened more I saw ants all over and Taro in many areas on the counter. This happens once a year if I forget to spray and yep, I forgot. They are not sweet ants or grease ants so Taro does nothing. But I have a spray that kills them on contact and prevents them from coming back until next year.  They get into and on everything. Mark put the Taro down all over and noticed that not one ant went for it. But he did his best and did what we used in MN. I have the area's sprayed and the kitchen is still in disarray. As soon as the spray dries I'll wipe it down and put things back. Needless to say I will have two more things to do this morning. I guess it looks like three more things added to my morning to do list. Good thing Roomba can vacuum the floors for me. I also told Mark where to find the spray when or if this happens again.

Mark goes to the cardiologist this afternoon and I can't go along. But I can be on speaker phone with him. So yesterday we made a dry run of where it is and it was easily found.  I am so happy that our medical profession is taking such strong action against the virus and that they allow me being with him via the phone.

Too bad our idiot president and governor don’t give a damn and opened up the states too early. And then add the stupid people that stopped following the social distancing and wearing of masks. Thanks to all of them the virus is growing, over 2000 a day.  We are proud that we are not in the group with the stupid people, we are still social distancing and wearing our masks.  And we will be following precautionary measures for quite some time. We don't want to catch COVID if at all possible.

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