Mark really liked the wood blinds that we had put up in our other home and wanted them in this place too. He put up 7 blinds, living room, dining room, kitchen and bedroom, and they do look very nice. But at first it was very hard for me to look at without reflecting on our loss. A lot of things trigger the day of the fire and all that was lost. Baby steps. We also have the sunscreens on the outside being installed. They measured several of them wrong so had to take them back. We also noticed that some were put on wrong and will have to be redone. This all will be a great help in keeping summer sun and heat out. Hopefully the job will be completed before the big heat is here.
We purchased another storage cabinet for on the porch from Sam's Club. There is quite a bit less storage in this place than in our other home. Not even having half of what we lost and not having storage tells us how little storage is here. Our laundry cabinet has also become a pantry for food. Not much for cabinets in the kitchen unless you don't cook or eat at home. This home is about 6 feet shorter too. But at least we have a carport to protect our car from the sun, a dishwasher, and washer and dryer.
Mandy is doing very well and has decided that we need protecting. Yep, she has found her bark. And she lets anyone who comes here know that she means business too. We are trying hard to break her from too much barking.
Mark has gone to the gun range a couple times with a friend. He took what was left of my gun along and they tested to see if it was still working. Mark worked hard at cleaning it and working on it to make it function again.Yep, it does. It looks tough but is functioning . Nice to have our guns firing properly. Mark also installed security cameras again too. And they are working very well. Some are visible and some are not.
Yes, it's looking more like our place every day. Maybe some day soon it will feel like home to me. With none of "our" original possessions I just don't feel at home. Our son, bless his heart, has been sending us photo's via text so I am planning on making copies to hang on the walls. Maybe having some family pictures around will help me adjust. I really miss all of my quilted table runners, placemats and quilts. They were my pride and joy. Thanks to my wonderful sister in law, I have one table runner that I made. She gave back the one I had given her years ago.
The weather has been very spring like, temps going up and down. Winds the last few days have been just wicked. The warm weather has had the pool filled with snowbirds but the recent wind has kept them inside. It's no fun eating dirt even while in the pool. Quite a few of the birds have left for home so the park is slowly thinning out. All of us full timers are anxious for all of them to leave. And like the winter weather they will be gone too.
Last weekend we went to the Arizona MarketPlace. I have not gotten much of any clothes since losing it all. So I now have 7 new t-shirts, which is what I much prefer to wear and Mark got 2 new muscle shirts for the summer. I've ordered 4 pair of capris's from Walmart too. Unless I need something really dressy I have all the clothes I need now. I absolutely hate shopping for clothes and women's shirts do not fit me. Another reason I like t-shirts. I buy mens t-shirts since they are longer. I'm too old for the women's midriff shirts. Why are women's shirts so much shorter? Larger sizes are wider but so short, it makes no sense. Another question.... why aren't women's slacks sold by waist and length like mens?