For many years we have had an aquarium or two or three. Ranging in size from a 75 gallon to a 20 gallon. Since moving from our home to the apartment we only had a small one from time to time. Living in the RV I had a fish bowl with a Betta until he froze to death when we got caught in a blizzard. For a couple years now I've had a 1.5 gallon aquarium with a Betta. We love fish and the soothing qualities of an aquarium. True the bigger tanks are work in order to keep the fish alive but the smaller ones take more care to keep the toxic levels low.
Our son and daughter(In law) liked our Betta tank and set up a 5 gallon aquarium because they liked our set up. Well dang gum it, that gave us the itch to get an aquarium as large as we had room for. Well we could only find room for a 10 gallon one.
When we headed to Petsmart I had decided on a 5 gallon one like the kids have. But the more we looked we found a larger tank that would fit the only place we could put it. Ok now that led to more and bigger decorations. There was a pretty nice selection so we found some that we really liked. My Betta, Walter is getting a new decoration too because we had no room in the 10 gallon for one item we bought. Go figure! LOL
This morning I see that the temp as gone down to 80ยบ. The water coming from our taps is a lot warmer than that right now. So we need to wait another day or two before putting fish in the new tank. We need to make sure that the thermometer is working correctly. We don't want boiled or chilled fish. Once that is achieved and the ph is good we can purchase a few fish. And I mean only a few, it's a small tank so we can't go nuts. Right now we are thinking of two small angles, two neon tetra's and 2 orange platy. Later on we will need a plecostomus, but not right now.
The power filter makes a splashing sound as the cleaned water hits the water in the tank and the noise drives me nuts. So I'm doing to have to devise a type of baffle. It's done this in other tanks as well.